Wednesday, October 14, 2015

LOST FEAST: The Octave of the Holy Rosary of the B.V.M.

Prior to the revision of the liturgical calendar instituted by Pope St. John XXIII, the Octave of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary would be celebrated today.  This is one of the many octaves that were casualties of the 1961 revision of the calendar.  Owing to the immemorial connection between the Order and the Rosary, this feast was given the highest honor in our calendar.  It had the rank of a totum duplex of the first class, with a solemn octave.  That meant that during each of the days of the Octave, a commemoration of the feast was made at Lauds and Vespers.  On the octave (8th) day, the office of the feast was essentially celebrated again, with minor changes (the II & III Lessons at Matins were different).  I think this is something that could have been retained, particularly the daily commemoration at Lauds and Vespers.

In the previous calendars of the Order, the feast was celebrated on the 1st Sunday of October.  That meant that the Octave was celebrated on the following Sunday.  I could see how this disruption in the Sunday liturgical cycle two weeks in a row would be a problem for some, but with the move of the feast to October 7, the octave would have moved to October 14, which is the feast of St. Calistus, P., M., a III Class feast.  So, to honor the octave, the Office of the feast could be prayed again, but this time with a commemoration of St. Calistus at Lauds and Vespers.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.  And most especially for Christians be persecuted throughout the world.