Sunday Office

B) The Sunday Office

            149 (165).  The Sunday Office belongs to Sundays on which no feast occurs which takes precedence over the Sunday.
            The following, however, have a special arrangement of the Office:
            a)  Easter Sunday, Low Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday;
            b)  The Sunday within the octave of the Nativity of Our Lord.

            105 (166).  The Sunday Office is arranged as follows:
            a)  at I Vespers:  everything as in the Psalter for the preceding Saturday, and as in the office of the Season;
            b)  Compline following is of the Saturday;
c)at Matins:  the invitatorium and hymn as in the Psalter or as in the Office of the Season;  antiphons, and versicle of the one Nocturn, as in the Psalter for Sunday; the blessings, outside Paschal time, May he, May the divine, May the gospel; but during Paschal time, the final three; three lessons with their responsories: outside Paschal time, the first and second are from current Scripture, the third is from the homily on the Gospel of the day, but during Paschal time the three lessons are from the homily on the Gospel of the day; the hymn Te Deum, which is omitted on the Sundays of Advent and from Septuagesima Sunday until the II Sunday of the Passion.
            d)  At Lauds:  Antiphons, unless proper ones are given, are from the Psalter; psalms from the Sunday Psalter, scheme I or II according to the different Seasons; little chapter, hymn and versicle, as in the Psalter or in the Office of the Season; the remainder as in the Office of the Season.
            e)  At Prime: antiphon, unless there is a proper one, and psalms ar from the Psalter for Sunday; little chapter and the rest are as in the Ordinary; short lesson is of the Season.
At Pretiosa the Gospel is read.
            f)  At Terse, Sext and None:  all as in the Psalter and in the Office of the Season.
            g)  At II Vespers:  all as in the Psalter and in the Office of the Season.
            h)  Compline:  of the Sunday.