Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Augustine, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor, and Father of the Church. A III feast in the Roman Rite, the feast is II Class in the Dominican calendar with its own propers, so the semi-festive office is prayed, according to the rubrics. This is due to the Order’s association with the Doctor of Grace via the Rule of St. Augustine, which our Holy Father adopted as the Rule for his Order in 1216. Also, at Pretiosa, the obit is read of Albert de Chiavari of Genoa, 10th Master General of the Order.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
August 17: St. Hyacinth, C., O.P., III Class

The feast was announced yesterday, at the reading of the Martyrology:
At Cracow in Poland, St. Hyacinth, confessor, of the Order of Preachers. Having received the religious habit from the hands of our Father St. Dominic, he excelled in learning and in a life of admirable innocence. He was celebrated for the glory of his miracles, especially for walking dryshod across wide rivers. Thought deserving of sweet converse with the holy Mother of God, distinguished for his spotless life, and filled with the gifts of the Holy Ghost, he died at an advanced age. He was called to his eternal reward on the very feastday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was canonized by Pope Clement VIII.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
August 15: Tota pulchra es, amica mea
I just wanted do a quick post
about the beauty of 1st Vespers for the Feast of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Dominican Rite.
I was home early enough from work
yesterday afternoon, so I grabbed my breviary and went out into the backyard to
pray 1st Vespers. More often
than not, I get home from work too late to pray Vespers, so it was a rare treat
for me.
In particular, I wanted to point
out the very long and beautiful super Psalm antiphon that is chanted before
chanting the five (5) Laudate Psalms:
Tota pulchra es, amíca mea, et mácula non est in
te: favus distíllans lábia tua, mel et lac sub lingua tua: odor unguentórum
tuórum super ómnia arómata: iam enim hiems tránsit, imber ábiit et recéssit:
flores apparuérunt, víneæ floréntes odórem dedérunt, et vox túrturis audíta
est in terra nostra. Surge, própera,
amíca mea: veni de Líbano, veni coronáberis.
You are all fair, my love; there is no flaw in
you. Your lips distil nectar; honey
and milk are under your tongue; the fragrance of your oils are better than
any spice. See, the winter has past, the
rain is over and gone. The flowers
appear, the vines are in blossom and give forth fragrance, and the voice of
the turtledove is heard in our land.
Arise, come, my love, come from Lebanon, come and be crowned.
As is typical of an office of Our
Lady, this antiphon consists of a compilation of some sublime allusions to the
Blessed Mother in the Song of Songs. Then,
after the Little Chapter, the responsory is equally long:
℟. Beáta es, Virgo María, Die Génetrix, quae
credidísti Dómino; perfécta sunt in te quæ dicta sunt tibi: ecce exaltáta es
super choros Angelórum. * Intercéde pro nobis
ad Dóminum Iesum Christum. ℣. Benedícta et venerábiles es, Virgo María, quæ sine tactu
pudóris invénta es Mater Salvatóris. – Intercéde. – Glória. _ Intercéde.
℟. Blessed are you, Mary, who believed in the Lord. Those things that were spoken to you are fulfilled
in you. Behold, you have been exalted
above the choirs of angels. * Intercede for us
with the Lord Jesus Christ. ℣. You are blessed and
worthy of veneration, O Virgin Mary, who, without any violation of purity,
were found to be mother of the Savior. – Intercede. – Glory. – Intercede.
This antiphon joins heartfelt
praise of Our Lady’s fiat with praise
of her miraculous dual state of virgin and mother…Mother of our Savior.
As Dominicans, we have the
glorious and blessed Mary, ever Virgin, as our patroness. Let us always remember to have loving and
confident recourse to her, under the protection of her mantle. And lest we forget, today is one of the days when Holy Mother Church allows us, as Dominican Tertiaries, to obtain a plenary indulgance.
Friday, August 14, 2015
August 15: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I Class
Recently, while reading "Christ the Savior" by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. on the Assumption of the B.V.M., I came across the following passage:
Therefore the Blessed Virgin Mary, as Mother of the Savior and the new Eve, is also most closely associated with Christ's perfect victory over death, so that "she could not be held down or detained by the bonds of death, " as the liturgy says[19]; otherwise she would have been vanquished by death and would not have been the vanquisher, and her parallelism with Christ's resurrection and ascension, before the general resurrection of the dead, would be destroyed. Moreover, the exceptional benediction, "blessed art thou among women," excludes the malediction "into dust thou shalt return." (emphasis mine)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Dominican Breviaries for Sale!!!
Augustine Thompson, O.P., who runs the Dominican Liturgy blog, is offering a
number of copies of the 1967 English Translation of the Dominican Breviary, as
well as the 1962 Breviarium iuxta Ritum
Ordinis Praedicatorum! This is an incredible opportunity, and the prices
are incredible, considering what you would have to pay for these volumes on the
open market.
If you have always wanted a copy of these rare books, now is
your chance to pick one up. At the prices that he is asking, these will
not be around very long.
Thank you Fr. Thompson!
Saturday, August 8, 2015
August 8: Blessed Jane of Aza, Mother of Our Holy Father St. Dominic, Commemoration
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we make a commemoration of Blessed Jane of Aza, mother of Our Holy Father St. Dominic. Since today is Saturday, the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday is prayed, and the commemoration is made at Lauds and Vespers since it is a privileged commemoration. In addition, a second commemoration is made of SS. Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus, Martyrs. At Pretiosa, the obit of Hugh de Vaucemain of France, sixteenth Master General of the Order of Preachers is read.
From the Martyrology:
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
August 4: Our Holy Father St. Dominic, C., O.P., I Class
O happy parent, Spain, rejoice in giving to the world the joy of new offspring! But, rejoice still more, Bologna, because you are favored with the glory of so great a father. O universal Mother Church, sing in praise as you celebrate the festival of this new source of fame! (Super psalmos antiphon to the Laudate psalms at First Vespers.)
Monday, August 3, 2015
August 3: Vigil of Our Holy Father St. Dominic

It is my hope that this blog will continue to inspire Dominicans, of all three orders, to rediscover their magnificent and unique liturgical patrimony, that was so abruptly and imprudently abandoned in the turbulent 1960's.
Actually, the office begins today. In the morning, after Lauds or Prime, we announce the great feast at the beginning of Pretiosa, during the reading of the Martyrology:
At Bologna, our most holy Father St. Dominic, confessor and founder of the Order of Friars Preachers. He was most illustrious, being distinguished by nobility of birth, sanctity and learning. Until death he preserved without stain his virginity and by the singular grace of his merits he raised three persons from the dead. By his preaching he curbed heresies and established many persons in a religious and godly manner of life. On August 6, his soul soared to heaven, there to receive a reward commensurate with his extraordinary works. His feast, however, is celebrated on this day, by an ordinance of Pope Paul IV.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Dominican Tertiary Indulgence Alerts!

Dominican Tertiaries (Lay Dominicans) are reminded that a plenary indulgence may also be acquired, provided the usual conditions (confession, Communion and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff) are properly fulfilled, who make or renew, at least privately, the promise to faithfully observe the statutes of the Third Order (Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic) on the upcoming Feast of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15.
Please mark your calendars. The complete list of days when the plenary indulgence may be obtained, can be found here, at the Australian Province Website.
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