Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15: The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M., II Class

Stemus iuxta crucem cum María Matre Iesu, * Cuius ánima dolóris gládius pertransívit.
Let us stand by the cross with Mary the mother of Jesus, * The sword of sorrow has pierced her soul.

Thus begins Matins for today's feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Since today is a Sunday after Pentecost, and Our Lady's feast is II Class,  the office of the XVII Sunday after Pentecost is prayed, and a commemoration of the Seven Sorrows of the BVM is made at Lauds.  I've heard it said that May is the month of Mary, but for me it is September.  This month contains four (4) Marian feasts:

- September 8: Nativity of the B.V.M. (II Class)
- September 12: The Most Holy Name of Mary (III Class)
- September 15:  The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M. (II Class)
- September 24:  B.V.M. of Ransom (Comm.)

In the Dominican breviary, the feast is II Class as in the Roman, but it contains propers for praying the office as a I Class feast as well.  This is because the feast was originally a totum duplex feast, which was celebrated on the III Sunday of the month of September.  Thus we have the magnificent responsory at Vespers, which is a solemn acknowledgement of our culpability in causing the suffering of both our Lord and our Lady by our sins:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5: Anniversary of the Associates and Benefactors of our Order

Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we commemorate the Anniversary of the Deceased Associates and Benefactors of our Order.  The commemoration is made at Pretiosa as follows:

The Anniversary of the deceased friends and benefactors of our Order.