The Festive Office
151 (167). The festive
Office belongs to feasts of the I class.
It is arranged as follows:
At I Vespers: everything from
the Proper or Common;
Compline following I Vespers:
of Sunday;
c) At
Matins: everything from the Proper or Common; the hymn Te Deum is said;
At Lauds: everything from the Proper of Common, with
Psalms of Sunday from the first group;
At Prime: first antiphon from
Lauds; Psalms 53, 118i and 118ii; little chapter and the rest are as in the
Ordinary; short lesson is of the Season.
Pretiosa the Gospel is read.
f) At Terce,
Sext, and None: antiphons, the second, third, and fifth respectively from
Lauds; psalms of Sunday; the rest from the Proper or Common;
g) At II
Vespers: everything from the Proper
or Common.
h) Compline: of Sunday.