Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3: St. Zedislavae Berkianae, Mat., O.P., III Class

Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Zedislavae Berkianae, Matron of the Order of Preachers.  The feast is III Class, so the ordinary office is prayed.  All is taken from the Office of a a Non-Virgin outside Paschaltide, except for the Collect prayer below.

In the revision of the calendar that accompanied the 1962 Breviarium S.O.P., St. (then Blessed) Zedislavae's feast was removed.  Since she was canonized by Pope St. John Paul II, we include her feast day on the traditional date (January 3) in force just prior to the 1962 calendar.

From "Holy Dominicans" (published by the Dominican Province of St. Joseph):

Saint Zdîslava was born in Moravia around the year 1220. As a wife and mother she provided well for her own family and was also known as a loving mother of the poor. She received the Dominican habit and together with her husband helped to build up the Order in Bohemia. Renowned for her service to the poor, she died in 1252.

A wonderful biography of this inspiring saint can be found here, at Acta Sanctorum blogsite.

O God who deigned to give to blessed Zeislavae, that she should ever contemplate You with an upright mind and at the same time should solicitously provide for her neighbor; at her pleading, make us persist in diligent zeal for heavenly things, and exercise charity in godly works:  Through our Lord...