Happy Anniversary to the Order of Preachers!
Sunday, December 22, 2024
December 22: The Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Comm.
Friday, December 6, 2024
December 6: St. Nicholas, B., C., III Class
I have stumbled across a number of connections between St. Nicholas and our holy Order. I wrote a post about how the feast of St. Nicholas was elevated to a totum duplex (1st Class) feast. The next year, I did a post on how the famous mystical experience which ended St. Thomas Aquinas' prolific theological writing career occurred on the feast of St. Nicholas, right after the Angelic Doctor finished offering the Mass of this saint. I also posted on the fact that, when St. Dominic was nearing death, and was too ill to walk, he was carried by the brethren by stretcher to the Church of St. Nicholas in Bologna. And there, surrounded by his fellow friars, he passed to his eternal reward. Finally, in 2018, I posted on a scholarly article which suggested that the famous O lumen ecclesiae antiphon for the office of St. Dominic may have borrowed heavily from an existing antiphon for...you guessed it, the office of St. Nicholas (O Christi Pietas). You can find it here.
As always, I remind anyone who reads this blog to check out the website of a wonderful organization called The St. Nicholas Center, who contacted me two years ago to ask if they could include my post from last year on St. Nicholas and the Dominicans on their website. I was happy to oblige. This organization seeks to promote and educate the world on this wonderful saint, who is the inspiration for Santa Claus.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
December 1: Blessed John of Vercelli, C., O.P., Commemoration
The Ferial Office During Advent
In the Dominican Breviary, the ferial office in Advent draws heavily from the Book of Jeremiah for the Little Chapter (Lauds, Terce, Sext, and Vespers). The versicle before Lauds is from Isaiah 6. Each one builds upon the Old Testament Prophets' anticipation of the coming of the Messiah, just as the Church now does during Advent.
Monday, November 25, 2024
November 25: St. Catherine of Alexandria, V., M., III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr. The feast is III Class, so the ordinary office is prayed according to the rubrics.
Due to the circumstances of her martyrdom, as one defending the Faith against pagans, and the fact that she is reputed to have been a philosopher, she has traditionally been referred to as one of the two "protectresses" of the Order, the other being St. Mary Magdalene. In a future post, I will give the account of their intervention in the miracle of St. Dominic at Soriano.
Friday, November 15, 2024
November 15: St. Albert the Great, B., C., D., O.P., II Class
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
November 13: Anniversary of the Brothers and Sisters
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we commemorate the Anniversary of the Deceased Brothers and Sisters of our Order. The Ferial Office is prayed and a commemoration of St. Brice is made at Lauds. The commemoration of our deceased brothers and sisters is made at Pretiosa.
LOST FEASTS: November 13 - St. Thomas Aquinas - Patron of Catholic Schools
“We, for the glory of Almighty God and in honor of the Angelic Doctor, for the increase of the sciences, and for the common benefit of human society, declare by Our Supreme Authority , that St. Thomas Aquinas is Patron of Studies in Universities, Colleges, Lyceums, and Catholic Schools; and We desire that he be so held by all…” "Cum hoc sit", Brief of Leo XIII, August 4, 1880.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
November 12: Feast of All Saints of the Dominican Order, II Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of All Saints of the Dominican Order. The feast is II Class and so the semi-festive office of Sunday is prayed and we make a commemoration of the feast at Lauds.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
LOST FEASTS: October 31 - Commemoration of the Holy Relics
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
LOST TRADITIONS: October 7-14 Octave Of B.V.M. Of The Rosary
Every day during the octave, a commemoration was made at Lauds and Vespers using the proper versicle/responsory, Benedictus/Magnificat antiphons provided in the sanctorale. The versicles and responses come from the feast, as does the antiphon at Lauds (which comes from 1st Vespers of the feast), but I have not been able to tell where the antiphon for Vespers comes from.
Ad Bened. ant. Speciosa facta es et suavis in deliciis virginitatis sancta Dei genitrix: quam videntes filiae Syon vernantem in floribus rosarum et liliis convalium. Beatissimam praedicaverunt,et regine laudaverunt eam. | Ad Bened. ant. The holy Mother of God is beautiful and comely in the delights of virginity. When they saw her flourishing among the roses and lilies of the valleys, the maidens of Sion called her happy and queens praised her |
V. Elegit eam Deus, et praeelegit eam. R. Et habitare eam facit in tabernaculo suo. | V. God has chosen her, and has given her preference. R. He gives her his home to dwell in. |
Oratio. Deus, cuius Unigenitus per vitam, mortem et resurrectionem suam nobis salutis aeternae praemia comparavit: concede, quaesumus; ut haec mysteria sacratissimo beatae Mariae Virginis Rosario recolentes, et imitemur quod continent, et quod promittunt, assequamur. Per Dominum nostrum… | Prayer O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech thee, that by meditating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise. Through the same… |
Ad Magnif. ant. Sancta Maria virginum piissima suscipe vota servulorum assidua lapsos erige errantes corrige trementes corrobora pusillanimes conforta ut tibi semper referamus laudes quam Dei summi colimus Genetricem. | Ad Magnif. ant. Holy Mary, most tender of virgins, receive the constant prayers of your little servants: raise up the fallen, correct the wayward, strengthen the trembling, comfort the faint-hearted: so that we may ever offer praises to you whom we honor as the Mother of the Most High God. |
V. Regina sacratissimi Rosarii ora pro nobis. R. Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi. | V. Queen of the most holy Rosary pray for us. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. |
Monday, October 7, 2024
October 7: The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, I Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary. The feast is I Class in the calendar of the Dominican Order, so the festive office is prayed according to the rubrics. Traditionally, Dominican Tertiaries would fast on the vigil of this great feast. The hymns at 1st Vespers, Matins, and Lauds celebrate the three traditional groupings of mysteries...the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious. You can download the entire English translation of the office here.
The Commemoration of Our Lady of Victory, which Pope Plus V instituted to be made annually, on account of the famous victory gained on this very day by the Christians in a naval battle against the Turks, by the assistance of the same Mother of God. However, Gregory XIII decreed that for the same victory there should be celebrated on the first Sunday of this month the annual solemnity of the Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
LOST FEAST: September 25: Commemoration of Our Holy Father St. Dominic in Suriano
Sunday, September 15, 2024
September 15: The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M., II Class
Stemus iuxta crucem cum MarÃa Matre Iesu, * Cuius ánima dolóris gládius pertransÃvit. | Let us stand by the cross with Mary the mother of Jesus, * The sword of sorrow has pierced her soul. |
- September 12: The Most Holy Name of Mary (III Class)
- September 15: The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M. (II Class)
- September 24: B.V.M. of Ransom (Comm.)
Thursday, September 5, 2024
September 5: Anniversary of the Associates and Benefactors of our Order
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we commemorate the Anniversary of the Deceased Associates and Benefactors of our Order. The commemoration is made at Pretiosa as follows:
The Anniversary of the deceased friends and benefactors of our Order.
Friday, August 30, 2024
August 30: St. Rose of Lima, V, O.P., III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Rose of Lima. The feast is III Class, so the Ordinary office is prayed according to the rubrics. This is another one of those III Class feasts which retained many of the propers from the days when the feast was totum duplex or duplex. At Lauds, the Psalms of Sunday are prayed.
From the Martyrology:
At Lima in Peru, St. Rose, virgin, of the Third Order of our holy Father St. Dominic. The Roman Pontiff Clement IX called her "the first flower from the Western World." At the age of five she took the vow of virginity; later she was received by Christ in a miraculous way as His spouse. She added the most severe penances to a life of purest innocence and her fame spread because of her many miracles. She died on August 24.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
August 28: St. Augustine, B., C., D., II Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Augustine, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor, and Father of the Church. The feast is II Class, and so we pray the Festive office. Also, at Pretiosa, the obit is read of Albert de Chiavari of Genoa, 10th Master General of the Order. August 28: St. Augustine, B., C., D., II Class
Sunday, August 4, 2024
August 4: Our Holy Father St. Dominic, C., O.P., I Class
O happy parent, Spain, rejoice in giving to the world the joy of new offspring! But, rejoice still more, Bologna, because you are favored with the glory of so great a father. O universal Mother Church, sing in praise as you celebrate the festival of this new source of fame! (Super psalmos antiphon to the Laudate psalms at First Vespers.)
Saturday, August 3, 2024
August 3: The Vigil of the Feast of St. Dominic
After weeks of preparation, including the 15 Tuesday's devotion to St. Dominic, and the Novena to our Holy Father, we have arrived at the eve before his feast day! (Yes...I know this is not an actual "vigil"). Traditionally, this was also a day of fasting and abstinence for Tertiaries of our Order. At Pretiosa today, we announce the feast to be celebrated tomorrow:
At Bologna, our most holy Father St. Dominic, confessor and founder of the Order of Friars Preachers. He was most illustrious, being distinguished by nobility of birth, sanctity and learning. Until death he preserved without stain his virginity and by the singular grace of his merits he raised three persons from the dead. By his preaching he curbed heresies and established many persons in a religious and godly manner of life. On August 6, his soul soared to heaven, there to receive a reward commensurate with his extraordinary works. His feast, however, is celebrated on this day, by an ordinance of Pope Paul IV. A totum duplex feast of the first class with a solemn octave.
The office begins at 1st Vespers with the super psalm antiphon....Gaude (O happy parent, Spain,...), followed by the special arrangement of Psalms that are used in the Dominican Office for 1st Class feasts (Psalms 112, 116, 145, 146, & 147, a.k.a, the "laudate Psalms).
Friday, July 26, 2024
Novena To Our Holy Father St. Dominic: July 26 - August 3
Next Tuesday, July 30, is the last Tuesday of our 15 Tuesdays' devotion in honor of Our Holy Father St. Dominic that we began way back in April. And today happens to be the first day of the traditional Novena to St. Dominic, if you follow the liturgical calendar of the Order from the 1962 Breviarium juxta ritum sacri ordinis praedicatorum as we do here. We will say this prayer every day from July 26 through August 3...the Vigil of our Holy Father's feast. On August 3, we will announce his feast at Pretiosa (after Lauds or Prime) and then at 1st Vespers, the liturgical office of his feast begins. (If you follow the new liturgical calendar, the novena begins on July 30, to coincide with the new date for St. Dominic's feast on August 8).
Monday, July 22, 2024
July 22: St. Mary Magdalen, Protectress of the Order, III Class
O lamp of the world and gleaming pearl, who by announcing Christ’s resurrection merited to become the Apostle of the Apostles, Mary Magdalen, be ever our loving advocate with God who has chosen you.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
May 8: Blessed Virgin Mary - Mediatrix of All Graces, III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Mediatrix of All Graces. The feast is III Class, so the Ordinary Office is prayed. Like many III Class feasts in the Dominican Breviary, this office contains the a significant amount of beautiful propers, as if the feast were II Class. At Lauds, the Psalms of Sunday are prayed.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
April 30: St, Catherine of Siena, V., D., O.P., I Class
At Rome, St. Catherine of Siena, virgin, of the Order of our Father St. Dominic. While hardly more than an infant, she consecrated her virginity to Christ and preserved it unsullied until death. She was famed for her innumerable halos of virtue, and excelled in a remarkable innocence of life. Strengthened by Christ her Spouse in frequent sweet conversations, she merited to become a sharer in His sufferings and wounds. Lastly, she was distinguished by the gift of prophecy, by miracles, and by doctrine. Having frequently conquered and triumphed over Satan, she ascended to heaven to the happy embraces of her Spouse on April 29. She was buried in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, and Pius II inscribed her in the number of the holy virgins.
Monday, April 29, 2024
April 29: St. Peter Martyr, M., O.P., II Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of the illustrious St. Peter Martyr, martyr, of the Order of Preachers. The feast is II Class and the semi-festive office is prayed according to the rubrics.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
March 7: St. Thomas Aquinas, C., D., O.P., I Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, of the Order of Preachers. Piercing a hole straight through the somber, penitential season of Lent, the feast of the Angel of the Schools is I Class, so the festive office is prayed according to the rubrics. A commemoration of is made at 1st Vespers and at Lauds. All is given in the Proper of the Saints.
In the monastery of Fossa Nuova, near Terracina, St. Thomas Aquinas of the Order of Preachers, confessor and Doctor of the Church. He was most illustrious for nobility of birth, holiness of life, and knowledge of theology. He preserved until death the grace of virginity. On account of the extraordinary superiority of his learning, he rightly earned the title of "Angelic Doctor." His writings, remarkable for the solidity of doctrine and approved by our Lord Himself, marvelously illuminate as dazzling lights the Catholic Church and every school of the orthodox world. Leo XIII declared him to be the celestial patron of all Catholic schools.
The Blessed Thomas, Doctor of the Church, light of the world, glory of Italy, virgin shining with the bloom of chastity, rejoices in a twofold crown of glory.
Monday, February 19, 2024
The Ferial Office During Lent
In the Dominican Breviary, the ferial office in Lent season is similar to that of the Roman Breviary, with slight differences.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Dominican Compline During Lent - 1st Sunday of Lent to the III Sunday of Lent
The most unique and distinguishing element of the Dominican Breviary, that sets it apart from the Roman, is the variability in the Office of Compline. And no where is this rich variability more evident than during the seasons of Lent, Passiontide, Paschaltide, Ascensiontide, and throughout the octave of Pentecost, when the hymn, Little Chapter, and responses change substantially.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
February 15: Blessed Henry Suso, C., O.P., III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of Blessed Henry Suso, confessor of the Order of Preachers. The feast is III Class and the ordinary office is prayed according to the rubrics. What is proper to the feast is given in the Proper of the Saints.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
February 14: Blessed Jordan of Saxony, C., O.P., III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of Blessed Jordan of Saxony, confessor and 2nd Master General of the Order of Preachers. The feast is III Class, and the Ordinary Office is prayed, with propers taken from the Proper of the Saints. At Lauds and Vespers a commemoration of St. Valentine, Martyr is made.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
February 13: St. Catherine de Ricci, V., O.P., III Class
From the Martyrology yesterday:
At Prato in Etruria, St. Catherine de'Ricci of Florence, virgin, of the Order of Preachers. She was remarkable for the abundance of her divine gifts, and was canonized by the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV. She died rich in virtues and merit on February 2, but her feast is celebrated today.
From “Short Lives of the Dominican Saints” (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, and Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1901):
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
February 6: Anniversary Of Our Deceased Parents
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we commemorate the Anniversary of the Deceased Parents of the members of our Order. The ferial office is prayed, with a commemoration of Ss. Vedast and Amand. At Pretiosa, the Anniversary is announced as follows:
"The anniversary of our Fathers and Mothers;"
O God, Lord of mercies, give to the souls of your servants, whose anniversary we keep, the home of refreshment, the blessedness of peace and the brightness of light. Through Christ our Lord.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
January 18: St. Margaret of Hungary, V., O.P., III Class
Today, in the 1962 Dominican Rite Calendar, we celebrate the feast of St. Margaret of Hungary, virgin, of the Order of Preachers. The feast is III Class, and the office is prayed according to the rubrics. Most of the office is proper, and is taken from the Proper of the Saints, and at Lauds the Psalms of Sunday are prayed. At Lauds and Vespers a commemoration is made of St. Prisca, virgin and martyr. At Pretiosa, the obit of Barnabas of Vercelli, 15th Master General of the Order is read.
Monday, January 15, 2024
Season after the Epiphany: The Wounds Of Sin
I don't know anything about it's origin, but it is a brief and beautiful summary of the absolute necessity of humility and repentance for any healthy interior life. I look forward to praying it each year.