Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Ferial Office During Epiphanytide


In the Dominican Breviary, the ferial office in Epiphany season is similar to that of the Roman Breviary, with slight differences.  The hymn at Lauds is different, as are some of the versicles.

The ferial days in Epiphany-tide are IV Class, so when a III Class feast occurs on the calendar, no commemoration is made of the ferial office.

January is a nice month in the Dominican sanctorale, even in the 1962 calendar.  The month starts off with St. Zedislavae Berkianae, Mat., O.P. on January 3.  Next up is St. Francis de Capillis and St. Peter Sanz and Companions on January 15.  Traditionally, January 15 was the feast of Bl. Francis de Capillis.  However, when St. Peter Sanz and his companions were canonized in 2000, being martyrs of China they were grouped together with St. Francis, who is considered the protomartyr of China.  Next comes St. Margaret of Hungary on January 18, one of the numerous saints of the Hungarian nobility, and a personal favorite of mine.  Finally, on January 23, we have the feast of St. Raymond of Pennafort, patron saint of canon lawyers.

The Epiphany season ferial office is prayed as follows:

Preces and genuflexions are omitted.  At all the hours except Compline, antiphons and psalms and the versicle of the Nocturn, are taken from the current weekday, as in the Psalter.

Inv.  Christ has appeared to us: * come, let us adore.
Hymn:  O Herod, wicked foe…(Hostis Heródes impie…)
Lessons are from current Scripture with their own responsories.  Te Deum is not said.

Before Lauds .  We have seen his star in the East.  .  And have come to worship him.

Little Chapter (Is. 60):  Arise, shine, Jerusalem; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Hymn:  From Father, through the virgin-birth… (A Patre Unigéntius…)
.  Adore the Lord.  .  In his holy court.

Bened. ant.:  The Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form as a dove, and a voice came from heaven:  “This is my beloved Son,” alleluia.

At Pretiosa, the Rule is read.

Little Chapter:  Love ye truth and peace…
. Jesus Christ.  .  Thou who appeared this day.
Prayer:  O Lord God almighty…

Little Chapter as in Lauds
.  The kings of Tarshish and the sea coasts shall pay him tribute,* alleluia, alleluia. – The kings.  .  The kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring him gifts. – Alleluia. - Glory. – The kings.
.  All those from Sheba shall come.  .  They shall bring gold and frankincense.

Little Chapter (Is. 60):  The Lord will arise upon you, Jerusalem, and this glory will be seen upon you; and nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.
.  All those from Sheba shall come, * alleluia, alleluia. – All those from Sheba.  .  They shall bring gold and frankincense. – Alleluia. – Glory.  All those from Sheba.
.  Before you, O God, all the earth shall bow, shall sing to you.  .  It shall sing to your name.

Little Chapter (Is. 60):  All those from Sheba shall come.  They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praises of the Lord.
.  Before you, O God, all the earth shall bow, shall sing to you, * alleluia. – Before you.  .  It shall sing to your name. – Alleluia. – Glory.  Before you.
.  Adore the Lord.  .  In his holy court.

Little Chapter (Is. 60):  Arise, shine, Jerusalem; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Hymn:  O Herod, wicked foe… (Hostis Heródes impie…)

.  The kings of Tarshish and the sea coasts shall pay him tribute.  .  The kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring him gifts.

Magnif. ant:  When the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy:  and going into the house, they offered to the Lord, gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Ant. to psalms:  Light from light, you have manifested yourself, O Christ.  The wise men offer gifts to you, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Psalms from Sunday.
Nunc dimittis ant.:  Alleluia.  All those from Sheba shall come, alleluia; they shall bring gold and frankincense, alleluia, alleluia.